So you have taken the plunge and purchased your very own human hair wig, congratulations! Even though The Beautiful Hair Boutique has the highest quality human hair wigs for women, it is still super important that you look after your new mane with a little TLC so it can stay luscious and beautiful for as long as possible.
Here are our top 5 tips to care for your hair!
1. Salon quality stuff only please! We strongly recommend using only salon quality hair products that have been specifically designed to wash and moisturise human hair wigs. When you purchase a wig or hairpiece from The BHB you will be gifted a set of our fave – V&M Shampoo and Conditioner as this has been formulated to perfection!
2. Wash your wig like a professional – How? Follow these easy steps:
– Take all the knots out first! Lay your wig down flat and detangle the hair with love.
– Rinse the hair roots to ends in luke warm water
– Double shampoo and then condition the wig (with your salon quality shampoo)
– Towel dry (gently please!)
– Leave the hair to dry a little before you start to brush, this give the root knots time to dry
Viola your hair is clean!
3. Feeling the need to straighten or curl your wig? That’s ok, but lets just make sure you are using the correct tools. Our wigs are made from virgin European hair and premium processed hair so stay clear of any tools that are too heavy on the heat, as we would hate for you to damage the hair. We recommend only professional salon quality that will protect the hair.
4. Easy on the brush! We know it can be tempting to brush away, but remember to be gently with your wig! Our wigs are strong and secure but do still need that extra love!
5. Store her away safely. Did you know our Human Hair Wigs have feelings too? So we need to make sure she (or he) is safely stored so they will hold her style and also help them live a little longer. After all doesn’t everyone want to live a little longer?
Lastly ladies, enjoy your wigs! Let them become a part of you and love them like they are your own hair.
Sarah xx